What makes a brand Truly Visionary? Product, Innovation, Culture, Marketing? It is a harmonious blending of product, marketing, and passionate culture. Along with a Visionary who establishes and commits the brand to ageless foundational principles.


Bryan Smeltzer

  • 18 chapters
  • 18 lessons

Course Details


What makes a brand truly Visionary?

Product, Innovation, Culture, Marketing?

It is a harmonious blending of product, marketing, and a passionate culture. Along with a visionary who establishes and commits themselves and the brand to ageless foundational principles.

What formula has sustained iconic brands such as; Apple, Nike, adidas, and allowed them to maintain their vision and brand ETHOS for generations?

How does one brand lose its premium status, while others thrive generation to generation?

Bryan Smeltzer © 2020 | THE VISIONARY BRAND

The Visionary Brand explores the core of these generational companies, and how they have evolved to become visionaries. This definitive guide to preserving authentic success through identifying, protecting, and nurturing the brands core foundational principles will be a timeless leadership resource. Both professionally and personally, serving a purpose from start-up through established category leaders.

Most brands at some point lose sight of their vision or have not established their brand core ETHOS. The Visionary Brand will revitalize those who are not yet evangelizing their brand's values and principles and guide those who have yet to define their foundation.

To succeed, you must understand who you are, what value you are providing, where you are positioning, and how to engage with your loyal community and brand team. From aspirational, real-life scenarios, to inspirational guidance, The Visionary Brand will provide ongoing support to successfully drive your brand forward.

The Visionary Brand outlines the independent elements to emulating and successfully executing this foundational strategy.

• Define your vision and build a Foundational Principles platform.

• Stick to your vision while capturing global market share from your competitors.

• Create a continuous Pipeline of Innovation.

• Establish a Culture of Passionate followers.

• Engage, and build Loyalty.

• Embrace the changing tide of the new age adoption curve.

• Be an Artist, be yourself, and instill the courage to accomplish your Vision.

There may be Visionary brands, but no one company exists as The Visionary Brand, while some have most, none have all.

Bryan Smeltzer © 2023 | THE VISIONARY BRAND

Course content

  • $199 / One time
  • $199 per unit / One time